
Here is my bike all ready to go, am I ??????

SMS posted at 18:59:40
"Ciao. Still in Norway, in two h i will be in Sweden."

SMS posted at 22:30:22
"Sitting in my tent, done 130 km. Very tired.
I am still in Norway, it's 1 km to Sweden."

From my Diary
"Out of the house at 15:55. Out of town at 16:00 and at 22:00 i stopped for the night about 1 km from Svinesund.
In Vestby i broke my pump for my bike :o, but when i came to Räde i found a bike shop open and i got a new pump again. Lucky me :D
I came to Fredrikstad at 20:30, did some shopping of food for the night and breakfast.
Biked about 25 km more and stopped 1 km from the boarder to Sweden. I found a side road and into the woods, nice, peacefull and quiet. I was sleeping at about 24:00, temperature was a avg. 22 degrees."

Check out how much i travelled until now! Click on the map below.

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